Business Coaching

  • Do you regularly think about your professional advancement, but do not take the steps needed to progress?
  • Do you ask yourself if you are in the right job?
  • Have you lost the work- life balance?
  • Is your work really aligned with your strengths and talents?
  • Are you always completely exhausted after work?
  • Do you lack the courage to discuss a promotion or salary increase with your superior?
  • Do you have the feeling that you can no longer progress?

The above are sample questions. If some of these questions are provoking you or do you have other questions, now is exactly the right time to use me as a professional support to guide you step by step towards your goal.


In business, top managers and employees are measured by their professional success and achievements. Personal problems, both private and professional, are not communicated. Though they are known to have strong negative influences on performance and motivation, these problems are suppressed and perceived as weaknesses and disruptive factors.


The first step is to have a conversation to get to know each other and decide if we want to work together. I will ask basic questions like:

  • What situation are you in here and now?
  • How did you come to find yourself in this position?
  • What do you want to change in your life?

In the following sessions I accompany you in your development process and we make concrete plans. We also discuss you and what you want to work on. It is often the case that during the course of our conversation, the focus changes, namely to a deeper issue. This is a very important part of the coaching. Between sessions, we will have contact via email about your progress, ideas and insights.


  • To reorganize your professional and personal position to allow for more balance.
  • To gain an honest self-image to help in the active process of change.
  • To feel fit and full of energy.
  • To find the calmness and clarity to enable your mind to have a clear overview.
  • To find your inner compass again, so that you can make confident decisions now and,
    in the future, which will help you to further progress.

Every small step counts towards a big change!
See you soon,
Tanja Derwahl

Curious about what I can do for you?

Make an appointment via the contact form for a free, non-committal introductory meeting. This can be done in my workspace in Maastricht, by phone or video call.

Have faith in your own potential.
Take the first step now!

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